Do you know what is the full form of DNA? DNA, you must have heard this name somewhere. This word is mostly heard in movies and on the news. Mostly it is told in the news that a DNA test of this person will be done, it came out in his DNA test etc. You must have heard it many times but do you know about it.
There will definitely be curiosity in your mind to know what is DNA, the full form of DNA, what is its function, what is DNA tests and how are done, what is its importance etc. In today’s article, we are going to give you complete information about DNA so that you will be able to understand a lot about DNA.
By the way, if you have done 11th and 12th class from science stream, then a lot of information about DNA is given in it, whereas if you graduate from biology subject, then in that too detailed information about DNA full form is given. First of all, let us tell you that this is a structure that is found in all living cells, that is, DNA is found in all organisms. DNA is immortal and gets transferred from generation to generation. That’s why today I thought why not you people should also be provided information about DNA Full Form in Hindi. Then let’s get started.
What is DNA -What is the full form of DNA

a filamentous molecule found in the chromosomes of living cells is called DNA. DNA is shaped like a curved ladder and is found in every living being. Genetic properties are present in DNA and DNA is essential for every living cell.
DNA was the discovered year 1953 by scientists James and Francis Crick and for this discovery they were also awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1962. DNA is a molecule that contains the genetic code of all organisms. DNA is found in all living beings i.e. humans, plants, bacteria, animals, germs etc.
, DNA is found in almost every cell in our body except red blood cells. Every human receives 23 pairs of DNA from their parents, one from each pair by the mother and one by the father. That is, the DNA of any human being is made up of a mixture of the DNA of his parents. This is the reason that many characteristics of parents are found in the children like height, skin color, hair color, eyes etc.
Full-Form of DNA in Hindi – Full Form of DNA

The full form of DNA is called Deoxyribonucleic Acid. DNA is a group of molecules that are responsible for the transmission and transfer of inherited information or genetic code from parents to their children. DNA is an organic substance with a an unique molecular structure. It can be found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. It is the Swiss scientist Johannes Friedrich Miescher first recognized and identified DNA in 1869 in the course of his research with the white blood cell. The double hexagonal structure of a single DNA molecule was identified through James Watson and Francis Crick through experiments. It has also been discovered that DNA is the main processor of the genetic information of a human being.
One can consider one could think of the DNA’s structure as the bent ladder. The structure is described as a double-helix as shown in the above image. DNA’s fundamental components are nucleotides with a carbon-sugar-based group, an phosphate group, and an nitrogen base. The sugar groups and phosphate join the nucleotides to create each DNA strand. The four nitrogen bases include Adenine (A) Thymine (T ), Guanine (G) as well as Cytosine ( C).
- D – Deoxyribo
- N – Nucleic
- A – Acid
The surprising thing is that if the DNA present in the human body is resolved, then it will be so long that it will reach the Earth 300 times from the Sun and go back.
DNA occupies a space of 0.09 micrometers in each cell. 700 terabytes of information can be preserved in 1 gram of DNA and Internet data of the whole world can be protected in 2 grams of DNA. DNA makes its own copy so that each new cell can get DNA at the time of every cell division. Every day from one thousand to one million DNA are destroyed from our body. All the species of the world, their information can be saved in a spoonful of DNA.
Do you know that every day from 1000 to 10 lakh DNA is made in our city and gets destroyed.
What is DNA test and how is it done?
You must have heard most of the DNA test in movies and news but hardly know how and why DNA test is done. At present, about 1200 types of DNA tests are available in science. DNA is transferred from one generation to another. Every human being has 46 chromosomes in its genes, out of which 23 are from the father and 23 are from the mother.
DNA is immortal. If ever a change is found in someone’s DNA, it is called a mutation, because it is believed that it must have happened due to some chemical defect or due to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
DNA contains complete information about genetic properties. With the help of DNA tests, genetic diseases can be detected and it can be decided which disease you will have in the coming time. Eye color, hair color etc. can also be ascertained from DNA.
DNA test can be done in humans with the help of urine samples, hair, cells inside cheeks, blood and skin etc. With the help of these samples, accredited laboratories test the DNA and the test report is usually given within 10 to 20 days. These laboratories charge Rs 5,000 to 50,000 for DNA testing, depending on what type of test you are doing because there are 1200 types of DNA tests available in science at present.
Who discovered DNA and when?
DNA was discovered in the year 1953 by scientists James and Francis Crick and for this discovery they were also awarded the Nobel Prize in the year 1962.
of DNA DNA has a lot of importance in the field of medicine. After the discovery of DNA, it was practiced in different ways and many new things came to the fore. At present, the importance of DNA in addition to the medical field, in the field of agriculture, in legal investigation, forensic investigations etc. DNA has proved to be very helpful in solving many crimes.
Testing of DNA can ensure who is the father of a child or whether there is any relation with the concerned person like a brother, sister, aunt etc. In the field of agriculture, DNA test is also used to identify organisms with high immunity and good breeding. At the same time, with the help of DNA test, efforts are also made to identify genetic diseases in the medical field and prevent them for the next generation.
How much information can be stored in 1 gram of DNA?
Only 1 gram of DNA can store up to 700 terabytes of information.
Can all the world’s data really be stored in DNA?
Yes this is completely possible. Not only this, 2 grams of DNA will be enough to store all the data available on the Internet all over the world.
Why is DNA tested?
DNA is tested from samples of blood, cheek cells and urine.
What did you learn today
, I hope you must have liked my article, what is the full form of DNA. It has always been my endeavor to provide the full name information of DNA to the readers so that they do not have to search other sites or internet in the context of that article.
This will also save their time and they will also get all the information in one place. If you have any doubts about this article or you want that there should be some improvement in it, then you can write low comments for this.
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