Is love a feeling or a choice? Do you fall in love for someone else, or does someone have to choose you back? Can your feelings ever change over time? These are just some of the questions that people ask themselves when they’re trying to figure out what it means to be in love. In this post we will explore these ideas and more about how psychology can help us understand what being in love really means.
Here are some Top 70+ Psychology facts about Love:

Love is a complicated emotion, but it’s something that we all experience at some point in our lives. What does love do to the body? How can you know if someone loves you? You might be surprised by these psychology facts about love!
1. The word “love” can be used for almost anything, but it is most often associated with romantic love, interpersonal love between friends and family members, or the simpler form of liking.
2. Despite its commonness in everyday speech, the concept of love has not yet become a subject of serious academic investigation by psychology. This could be because the notion itself is so difficult to define that no meaningful investigation has been possible thus far or perhaps because psychologists are afraid to dignify what everyone seems to know already without understanding why.
3. Love does not seem to exist as a single unidimensional phenomenon; instead different types of love appear to exist depending on the individual’s subjective experience. Romantic love appears particularly susceptible to variation over time depending on the individual’s needs and wants at any given moment.
4. Love is often described as a feeling, but it is more accurately understood as a complex emotion that incorporates many different feelings, including happiness, passion, security, and affection.
5. The feeling of love is often associated with physical sensations such as a racing heart or accelerated breathing. This is because when someone experiences love, their brain starts releasing dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin (chemicals known as neurohormones) which create those physical sensations.
6. Love can be addictive in the same way that drugs are addictive because it creates a sense of euphoria in the brain. This is due to the release of dopamine which is also responsible for the high one feels when using drugs.
7. Love is not just a feeling but also an action. It involves things like caretaking, kindness, and generosity.
8. When someone falls in love, their brain starts releasing a chemical called phenylethylamine which is responsible for the feeling of excitement and euphoria that comes with being in love.
9. Love can make people do crazy things; some people have even been known to commit murder or suicide for the sake of love.
10. The neurotransmitter serotonin is responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being, and it is released in higher quantities when someone is in love.
11. The hormone oxytocin is sometimes called the “cuddle hormone” because it is released in higher quantities during sex, hugging, and male-female bonding.
12. The chemical vasopressin is sometimes called the “monogamy hormone” because it increases a person’s desire to stay with a long term partner. This is why some people say that oxytocin makes you “love drunk,” while vasopressin causes a more sober attachment.
15. In some cases, love can last up to 20 years or longer between two people who have been married for a long time.
16. People who are truly in love tend to spend about 85% of their time thinking about the object of their affection even when they are not together and rate the pain of separation as similar to physical pain experienced by those who are very hungry or thirsty.
Top 15 To 30 Psychology facts about Love

Love is a powerful thing. It can make our lives complete and it can break us apart. We all have some idea of what love is, but not everyone knows the psychology behind it. There are many different theories on how we fall in love and why we stay in love. I am going to share with you 10 facts about Love that will help you better understand this beautiful feeling we call “Love”.
18. People who are truly in love tend to feel as though time is standing still when they are apart from their partners, and they can’t bear the thought of not seeing them again once they have been apart for a while. They also tend to think about their partners more often on average than those who claim that they “just like” someone.
19. When people first fall in love, there tends to be a change in several aspects of their lives including how much time they spend with friends and family, how physically active they are, and even what type of music they enjoy listening to.
21. It is possible for people to fall out of love if the relationship does not continue or is filled with conflict.
22. The feeling of love is often associated with happiness, but it can also cause sadness, anxiety, and even depression if the relationship is not going well.
24. Love is a very powerful emotion and it can sometimes override other feelings such as fear or anger.
25. Love can make people do things that they would not normally do; for example, someone in love may be willing to change their appearance or personality in order to make their partner happy.
26. People who are in love tend to idealize their partners and see them as being perfect even when they are not.
27. When people are in love, they often start to see similarities between themselves and their partners which can lead to them feeling like they are more connected to each other.
28. People who are in love tend to look at their partners when they talk to them, and they also tend to focus more on their lips, eyes, and hands while talking with them. This is because the brain starts releasing chemicals that help control behavior when one falls in love.
30. When people feel strongly about someone else but do not know if the feeling is mutual, they often “worship” that person from afar by following him or her discreetly around town or staring at him or her without being noticed. They will also keep track of everything the object of their affection does so that he/she can be reminded of it later on if their feelings are reciprocated but this is not always the case.
32. People in love tend to blush more often than those who are not in love and this is because the brain releases a chemical called adrenalin when someone is attracted to someone else.
Top 30 To 45 Psychology facts about Love

What is love? How do you know if you are in love? What does it feel like to be in love? Do people fall out of love? These are all questions that have been asked at one point or another. This blog post will provide the answers to some of these questions and give readers a better understanding on what it means to be in love.
A person can have many different feelings when they are in “love.” Some may find themselves feeling more confident, while others may get butterflies when they think about their loved one. It’s important not just to focus on how someone feels but also how their behavior changes because everyone has different reactions even though the same person might experience both happiness and sadness during times of being in “love
33. Falling in love usually happens quickly and without warning; even people who have been married for many years can sometimes fall in love with someone new.
34. When people fall in love, their brains release the same chemicals whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
35. It is possible for two people to be in love with each other but have very different opinions about what that means; for example, one person may want to get married while the other does not want to commit to anything serious.
36. Love can sometimes be blind; for example, someone who is in love may not see the faults in their partner and may even choose to ignore them.
37. Love is often described as a “sickness” because it can make people do things that they would not normally do and it also requires a lot of time and energy.
38. People who are truly in love tend to be very possessive of their partners and may become jealous or angry if they feel like their partner is being too friendly with someone else.
39. When people fall in love, they often start to think about the person all the time and this can lead to them feeling like they are obsessed with them.
40. It is possible for two people who are in love to break up with each other but then realize years later that they still have very strong feelings for each other.
41. Most people who fall in love tend to follow a similar pattern when describing what happened and how they feel about their partner; for example, the first person may say “I don’t really know why I like him/her so much” or “I don’t understand it.” The second person may also say something similar such as “It just hit me.”
42. When people fall in love, their brains release phenylethylamine (PEA) which is a chemical that is responsible for creating sensations of exhilaration, excitement, and bliss.
43. It has been found that people who are in love are more likely to forgive their partners for wrongdoings even if they do not deserve it.
44. People who are in love tend to be more optimistic and positive about the future and they may also start taking better care of themselves.
45. When people are in love, they often have a hard time thinking or talking about anything else other than their partner.
46. Love can make people feel very happy and content but it can also lead to feelings of sadness, emptiness, and loneliness when the relationship ends.
Top 45 To 60 Psychology facts about Love

Love is a powerful emotion that can make people feel elated, happy, and alive. It is also an intense feeling which often causes us to lose perspective on the world around us. Love has been found to have many effects on our psychology, both positive and negative. This article will explore some of the psychological facts about love that may be surprising including how it changes your brain chemistry.
I recently read this great article called Psychology Facts About Love by __ (author) where they discussed how love actually affects your brain chemistry in amazing ways! I thought it was so interesting to learn about all these different things love does for you without even realizing it- check out the blog post now if you want more information!
47. One of the signs that someone is in love is that they will start to mimic the movements of their partner without realizing it; this is because when people fall in love, their brains become so preoccupied with the other person that they start to subconsciously copy them.
48. People in love often have a “giddy” feeling in their stomachs and may also feel lightheaded or dizzy.
49. When people are in love, they tend to be more attracted to their partner’s physical features and less attracted to their personality.
50. It is not possible for two people who are in love to have a completely platonic relationship; any kind of physical contact (even if it is just a hug) will eventually lead to romantic feelings.
51. Love can cause people to do crazy things such as changing their appearance or moving to a different country for their partner.
52. Most people who are in love believe that their partner is “the one” and they may be willing to do anything to make the relationship work.
53. It is not possible for someone to love two people at the same time; if someone claims to love both of their partners equally, then they are not actually in love with either of them.
54. When people fall in love, their brains release oxytocin which is a chemical that is responsible for creating feelings of happiness, security, and comfort.
55. Love can sometimes be addictive and people who are in love may find it difficult to cope without their partner.
56. People who are in love often have a lot of trust for their partner and they may be completely open and honest with them about everything.
57. When people are in love, they tend to focus only on the positive aspects of their partner and ignore any flaws that they may have.
58. Concentrating on having a successful relationship can make people who are in love feel more attracted to their partner.
59. Most people who fall in love find it difficult to be fully committed because they tend to see other people as potential partners too.
60. The phrase “love is blind” has been used for hundreds of years because when people are in love, they often overlook their partner’s faults or mistakes which causes them to lose their normal level of judgment.
61. Most people who are in love find it very difficult to remember what they were like before their relationship started because they become so preoccupied with their partner.
62. Love can make people feel as if they cannot live without their partner and that nothing else has meaning unless they have them around.
63. When someone falls in love, the frontal lobe of their brain becomes more active which causes them to be more impulsive and less logical about the things that they say and do.
64. People who fall in love may experience strong feelings of jealousy when faced with the idea of losing their partner and this is common even among those who claim to be happy being single .
65. It is very common for people who are in a long-term relationship to start taking their partner for granted and stop putting in the same effort that they did when they first fell in love.
66. One of the biggest signs that someone is no longer in love with their partner is that they will start to feel indifferent towards them and no longer feel the need to make an effort.
67. When people are in love, they often have a strong desire to be around their partner as much as possible; this is because they want to maximize the time that they have together.
68. People who are in love often find it difficult to maintain stable relationships with other people because all of their focus and attention goes towards their partner.
69. If is not currently in a relationship, but are in love with someone who is in a relationship, then they are just being used as a substitute for affection.
70. Different people can interpret the same situations in different ways and this often leads to arguments between lovers because each person’s version of events may be completely different.
71. When people fall out of love, it usually happens very slowly and they may not even realize it until it is too late.
72. One of the most common signs that someone is no longer in love is when they no longer care about their partner’s happiness and well-being.
Conclusion :
It’s important not just to focus on how someone feels but also how their behavior changes. When a person falls in love, they may find themselves being more confident and wanting to be around the other all the time. They might have butterflies when thinking about this person or daydreaming about them. If you’re feeling like these symptoms are taking over your life, it could mean that you’re falling in love as well!