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Top 70+ Psychology facts about human behavior

Psychology is the study of human behavior. It can be difficult to understand, but this blog post will help you learn about some important psychology facts that are related to your everyday life.

In a recent study done by Psychology Today, they found that there are five different personality types in the world: extroverts, introverts, thinkers, feelers and planners. These personality types each have their own set of strengths and weaknesses which make them unique from one another. For example, an extrovert would make a great leader because they love being in front of people while an introvert might prefer behind-the-scenes work. In order for us all to get along better it’s important to know what type we are so we’re able

Here are some Top 70+ Psychology facts about human behavior:

Here are some Top 70+ Psychology facts about human behavior:

What is the one thing that all human beings have in common? It’s not our race, gender or sexual orientation. It’s our behavior. This blog post will explore some of the interesting facts about how we behave and interact with each other. Psychology is a fascinating subject and understanding it can help us to be better people and understand others at their core.

1. Our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all interconnected.

2. We are constantly influenced by our environment.


3. The brain’s ability to change over time is known as neuroplasticity.

4. There are specific regions in the brain that are responsible for basic emotions, like fear and anger.

5. People with strong social connections have a 50% increased chance of living longer than those who don’t have any close connections with other people.

6. Our brains are composed of 60% fat – most of it surrounding neurons, helping insulate their electrical signals from one another, and aiding their transmission across synapses both small and large! 7. Each side of our brain has its own special abilities. 8. Alcohol temporarily blocks the ability to form memories while sobering up, which explains why can do things but not remember them the next day.

9. Emotions are contagious – we tend to mimic the expressions of people around us, especially those we care about.

10. We’re able to read other people’s emotions by observing their facial expressions, body language, and tone of voice.

11. Our memories are not static – they change over time as we recall them and add new information.

12. The hypothalamus is responsible for our basic drives, like hunger and thirst, as well as controlling our stress response and daily body rhythms.

13. We often make decisions based on emotion rather than reason.

14. We can control our emotions by managing our thoughts and behaviors.

15. People with a positive outlook on life tend to be healthier and live longer than those with a negative outlook.

Top 15 to 30 psychology facts about human behavior

Top 15 to 30 psychology facts about human behavior

We all have a natural instinct for survival, but what is it that makes us act the way we do? There are many psychological terms and theories that explore this topic. This blog post will explore four of them- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Freudian theory, cognitive dissonance theory, and behavioral psychology.

16. Physical pain is real – but our perception of it is often worse than the actual feeling itself, especially when we expect that the pain will be intense or intolerable.

17. Alcohol can lead to blackouts, where people don’t remember what they did during a 3-hour period of time.

18. We have all been guilty of judging others by their appearance at least once in our lives – even if we feel ashamed for doing so afterwards!

19. Little things can make a huge difference – being grateful for your relationships and having a positive outlook on life can enhance your satisfaction with everyday activities and simplify difficult situations you may face in the.

20. People tend to think of themselves as more attractive than others rate them.

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21. The brain has a remarkable ability to change and adapt throughout life in response to new experiences, such as learning how to read or speak a new language.

22. Our brains process information from our senses by organizing it into meaningful patterns that allow us to understand what we perceive in our world – recognizing an apple, for example, is composed of over 20 different visual features that are processed in specific areas of the brain.

23. We all have a natural tendency to seek out things we consider pleasurable and avoid things that cause pain or discomfort, which is known as the general adaptation syndrome (GAS).

24. When experiencing trauma or loss, breakups tend to hurt more than the pain of death, because social attachments are so important to us.

25. We have a tendency to approach things that make us happy and want more of them, while avoiding the things that cause us anxiety or stress.

26. Stress is inevitable in life – some stress can be beneficial by giving you an energy boost, but too much stress over time makes it harder for our bodies to handle future stressful events.

27. A loss of memory isn’t necessarily noticeable until about 20% of the hippocampus has been damaged – since the hippocampus is responsible for short-term memory, damage to this region causes problems with recalling recent events (short-term memory).

28. Our brains are active even when we’re asleep! During sleep, the brain switches from using, which is energy intensive and requires a lot of oxygen to glucose, which is a much cleaner and more efficient source of fuel.

29. Sleep deprivation can affect your ability to solve problems by limiting how much information you’re able to retain in your consciousness.

30. We’re not good at distinguishing between genuine smiles and fake smiles because our brains tend to treat them both similarly – it’s easier for us to tell when someone’s unhappy or disgusted because we have evolved over time to pay closer attention to the emotions that could impact our survival.

Top 30 to 45 psychology facts about human behavior

Top 30 to 45 psychology facts about human behavior

Why do humans behave the way they do? Why are we so complex and complicated? We all know that there is no single answer to these questions, but I’m going to try my best to provide you with some psychology facts about human behavior.

31. The prefrontal cortex is one of the last parts of the brain to mature, so teenagers are more likely than adults to rely on their intuitive “gut feelings” rather than logical decision-making when making choices.

32. The human brain is capable of producing around 60,000 thoughts per day!

33. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) are preoccupied with orderliness, perfectionism, and control – they can be quite inflexible and have difficulty accepting change.

34. Studies have shown that people who are religious or spiritual tend to have better mental health overall than those who are not.

35. We’re more likely to conform to social norms if the majority of people in our social group agree with the norm, even if we don’t personally agree with it.

36. People with schizophrenia often experience auditory hallucinations where they hear voices that aren’t there – these voices can be critical, friendly, or even commanding.

37. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder in the US, affecting around 18% of the population.

38. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can develop after exposure to a traumatic event such as war, sexual assault, or a natural disaster.

39. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings – from high energy and feelings of euphoria (mania) to low energy and feelings of sadness and hopelessness (depression).

40. The amygdala is responsible for our “fight or flight” response to stressors, while the hippocampus helps us remember fearful experiences so we can avoid them in the future.

41. A study found that caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients with mild cognitive impairment had more brain atrophy than healthy people their same age – this might be linked to the stress and emotional burden of caregiving.

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42. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of psychotherapy that aims to treat mental health conditions by modifying behaviors and perceptions related to them, rather than treating symptoms directly through medication or talk therapy.

43. Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance, lack of empathy, and underlying insecurity – it can cause significant problems in life if someone has one or more narcissistic traits but doesn’t seek help for them due to fear or guilt about admitting vulnerabilities.

44. Studies have shown that people who are strict and inflexible tend to be more accepting of new information when it’s congruent with their existing beliefs, while those who are more moderate in their views remain open to other ideas – research shows that choosing a position between two extremes (e.g., liberal vs. conservative) is usually preferable for getting ahead in life because it opens up the most options and opportunities.

45. The “mere exposure effect” describes how we’re inclined to like things if we’re exposed to them several times – this could influence our opinions about art or music, or even why people like certain politicians over others!

Top 45 to 60 psychology facts about human behavior

Top 45 to 60 psychology facts about human behavior

I’m sure you know that there are many different types of psychology. One type, for example, is psychopharmacology which looks at the use of drugs to control mental disorders. Another type is psychotherapy which focuses on talking about problems and developing solutions with a therapist. But what does psychology have to do with human behavior? This post will give you some interesting facts about human behavior in relation to this field!

46. Evolutionary psychologists argue that our motivations and drives (e.g., food, sex, safety) still work the same way they did when we were living in caves and struggling to survive – in that environment, we’re driven to engage in behaviors that allow us to live long enough to reproduce and pass our genes on.

47. Alcohol has long been linked to aggression – a review of dozens of studies found that even small amounts of alcohol make people more aggressive toward others (e.g., getting into fights or using abusive language).

48. Studies show that the brain produces higher levels of electrical activity when people are making decisions about things they don’t need than when deciding about things they do need, suggesting that impatience is actually a sign of high motivation!

49. People experience “cognitive dissonance” when they hold two conflicting beliefs or attitudes about themselves or the world – this can be uncomfortable and often leads to people changing their beliefs to match what they think is socially acceptable.

50. Research shows that a person’s happiness levels tend to plateau after a certain point, no matter how much money they make or how many accomplishments they achieve – this is known as the “hedonic treadmill” and suggests that our brains are hardwired to constantly seek out new highs in order to avoid feeling bored or unhappy.

51. One study found that people who swear more tend to be less religious, less conscientious, and more liberal than those who don’t – swearing is generally associated with impulsiveness and lack of self-control.

52. A study on rodents found that those who slept less showed more anxiety- and depression-like behaviors – this suggests that a lack of sleep could lead to mental health problems in humans as well.

53. According to some experts, the “internet addiction disorder” should actually be classified as an impulse control disorder, because people with it are unable to resist the urge to keep using the internet even though it’s causing them harm (e.g., by impacting their work or social life).

54. One study found that people who were socially excluded felt just as much pain as those who were physically injured – this suggests that our brains may have evolved a “pain network” specifically for dealing with social rejection.

55. Psychologists have identified a number of “dark triad” personality traits that are often associated with success in life – these include narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy.

56. According to some experts, the “fixed mindset” (believing that intelligence and talent are fixed, rather than malleable) is one of the biggest predictors of academic and career success.

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57. Research shows that people who are physically attractive tend to earn more money and have more successful relationships than those who are not – this is known as the “beauty premium”.

58. A study on rats found that those who were allowed to explore their environments more showed less anxiety- and depression-like behaviors – this suggests that giving people opportunities for exploration could help reduce mental health problems.

59. People who are more likely to remember dreams about positive or neutral content tend to have higher self-esteem and greater feelings of happiness, while those who remember their dreams as negative typically have lower self-esteem and more depression symptoms – this suggests that our dreams can tell us something about how we’re feeling on a cognitive level.

60. According to some experts, the best way to help children with dysfunctional behavior is to give them limits rather than rewards (which may teach kids that they’ll be rewarded for good behavior regardless of their actions).

Top 60 To 70+ psychology facts about human behavior

Top 60 To 70+  psychology facts about human behavior

There are many psychological facts about human behavior that you may not know about. For example, did you know that the way we sit can affect our mood? Or that how we fold our arms can indicate whether or not we’re open to new experiences? In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most interesting and lesser-known psychological facts about human behavior. So read on to learn more!

61. Studies show that men and women process sadness differently: women tend to focus on feelings of helplessness and immobility, whereas men focus more on aggression and anger.

62. One study found that people who were more open to new experiences were more likely to have psychedelic experiences – this suggests that personality traits may be a predictor of psychedelic drug use.

63. A study on rats found that those who were exposed to early-life stress showed increased anxiety and depression-like behaviors in adulthood – this suggests that early-life stress could lead to mental health problems later in life.

64. According to some experts, the “growth mindset” (believing that intelligence and talent are malleable, rather than fixed) is one of the biggest predictors of academic and career success.

65. Research has shown that people are more likely to conform to social norms when they’re in a group, even if they don’t agree with them – this suggests that most people are more concerned about social acceptance than thinking for themselves.

66. According to some experts, the best way to help children with disruptive behavior is with positive reinforcement rather than punishment (which teaches kids that they’re bad and encourages rebelliousness).

67. A study on mice found that those who had their brains injected with oxytocin were less likely to relapse back into cocaine-seeking behaviors after treatment – this suggests that the hormone could be an effective addiction treatment for humans too.

68. One study found that men who had higher levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) tended to prefer women with more “feminine”-looking faces – this suggests that hormones play a role in judgment of attractiveness.

69. Some research suggests that people who are more altruistic and giving tend to be happier than those who aren’t.

70. According to some studies, playing video games can have several positive effects on mental health – including increasing stress resilience, improving cognition skills, reducing anxiety, depression, and aggression, and improving empathy levels in teens.

Conclusion :

We hope you’ve found this blog post enlightening and entertaining. If you’re interested in learning more about the psychology of how people behave, contact our team today to schedule a consultation with one of our experts! Our specialists are ready to help your business grow by applying psychological principles that will not only make your customers feel at home but also provide them with what they need when it comes time for decision making. Which pieces of information did you find most interesting? Let us know in the comments below! Protection Status