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Hindi Kuku FM App Kya Hai; How to make money from Kuku FM


We are often told that we should all read books every day. At least 10 to 15 pages should be read every day because we increase our knowledge and learn something new. But there are many people who want to read books but do not like to read books. In such a case, Kuku FM App can be very useful for these people. If you do not know Kuku FM Kya Hai, in this article we will tell you about this application.

Kuku FM will not only increase your knowledge, but you will also be able to earn money thanks to this application. Today, there are many people who stay at home and make money using their skills with this app. For those who are lazy while reading a book, Kuku FM has come up with a feature that you will not need to read the book with its help. You also have a chance to earn money by Kuku FM. So let us know what Kuku FM is and how to monetize it.

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What is Kuku FM?

Kuku FM is an audiobook and podcast platform where you can listen to books published on different subjects. Kuku FM lets you listen to 1000+ audiobooks in languages ​​like Hindi, Marathi, Bangla, Gujarati and Tamil. Through this podcast platform, users can learn about Religion, Motivation, Financial Management, Love, Biography etc. can listen to audiobooks of categories.


The biggest thing is that Kuku FM is a Made in India audiobook/podcast platform, i.e. an Indian app. Kuku FM offers both free and premium services to its users. The main feature of this app is that you don’t have to listen to the whole book, instead you are told a summary of a book, which saves your time.

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Kuku FM

Thanks to audio, users can learn many things just by listening. You can also do many courses that can make a difference in your life through this application. Many courses are also available at Kuku FM, even for preparation for government exams. You can also deliver your services to users via Kuku FM. You can also earn money through Kuku FM App by publishing your own audiobook.

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What are the benefits of Kuku FM?

Kuku FM has many advantages as it has become a popular podcast and audiobook platform in India today.

  • There are more than 1000 audiobooks in this application.
  • User can listen all audiobooks in Hindi, English, Marathi, Bangla, Gujarati and Tamil languages.
  • Kuku FM is a Made In India application.
  • On Kuku FM you can listen Bhagwat Geeta, Mahabharata and Ramayana in your language.
  • This app can be used with both free and premium service.
  • With Kuku FM, users can learn about Motivation, Religion, Education, Finance, Love, Self-Help, Biography, etc. can listen to audio books on topics.
  • If you want, you can also work creatively at Kuku FM, meaning you can publish audiobooks yourself and earn money based on your skills.
  • In addition to the book summary, entertaining stories can also be listened to on Kuku FM.
  • If you publish your own audiobook, people will recognize you and you will become an online identity.

These were some of the advantages of the Kuku FM audiobook and podcast platform. However, there are many benefits you get with the premium service.

What are the benefits of Premium Subscription in Kuku FM?

You have learned about the general benefits of Kuku FM, but the premium service has its own advantages, which are given below.

  • You can listen to all episodes without any problems.
  • If you are subscribed, you can listen to new audiobooks every day.
  • You can download your favorite story and audiobook and listen later offline too.
  • You can listen to all audiobooks without Ads, meaning you will not see any ads.
  • There is no limit to listening to audiobooks, stories and courses.
  • Personal suggestions and content are listened to. You can also share your favorite content with your friends via email, telegram, WhatsApp and SMS.
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About all the advantages of getting a premium subscription of Kuku FM, we told above.

How to make money from Kuku FM?

We have shared the following steps with you below to earn money from Kuku FM.

Stage 1 – To make money through Kuku FM, you need to be creative. A creator is someone who can record and write sound. For this, you need to be able to present the story and the information written in the book well.

Step 2 – After that you need to upload the audiobook with all its details to Kuku FM, thumbnail. Remember that the content must not contain fake, stolen or false information. In addition, the language of the audiobook should be understandable and you can speak well.

Stage 3 – After that you should publish an audiobook once a week, plus the duration of the audiobook should be between 5 minutes and 25 minutes. Apart from that, carefully read all the terms on what are the rules for publishing and monetizing audiobooks. However, at least 10 audiobooks must be uploaded to your profile.

Step 4 – Now that more people will listen to your content and your followers on Kuku FM increase, you can apply for Monetization. Note here that the number of people listening to your content on your Kuku FM should be 5k, 25k or 100k per month.

Step 5 – after that you [email protected] But you need to send an email with details of your Kuku FM profile or you can also call this number on +919321926619. In the email you will need to write down your followers, the number of monthly listeners and the number of published audiobooks.

Step 6 – After that, if your profile is verified, your content will be monetized and you can monetize too. You just need to work with some patience, after that you can easily earn 10-15 thousand rupees and over time you will be able to earn more money.

How to Upload Your Audiobook to Kuku FM?

Stage 1 – you first game store From here you need to download Kuku FM and create your account as a member via your phone or e-mail.

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Step 2 – After that, you need to create your account by going to the profile and filling in all the information. Profile option is given below.

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Stage 3 – After going to the profile, you need to click on the Studio option.

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Step 4 – After that, you will see the Create Partition option which you will click on.

1651743284 415 Hindi Kuku FM App Kya Hai How to make money Hindi Kuku FM App Kya Hai; How to make money from Kuku FM

Step 5 – Next, you will see two options, Load from Device and Save with Kuku FM, from which you can choose the one that suits you. If you have already recorded audio, you can download it from the device or record with Kuku FM.

1651743285 344 Hindi Kuku FM App Kya Hai How to make money Hindi Kuku FM App Kya Hai; How to make money from Kuku FM

In this way, you can create your profile on Kuku FM and publish audiobooks.

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What are the benefits of being a Kuku FM Kalakaar?

When a person is a part of the Kuku FM community, it is known as Kuku FM Kalakaar. Being a Kuku FM Kalakaar has many benefits that you should be aware of.

  • You will be recognized and more and more people can access your content.
  • From time to time you are guided by the Kuku FM team and make recommendations on how to proceed.
  • Many Professional Features of Kuku FM are unlocked, with the help of which the creator can watch their content and plan well how it will work.
  • When you are Kuku FM Kalakaar and you have a large audience, big brands work closely with you. You get the opportunity to work with both sponsorship and other content creation platforms, which will earn you both money and popularity.


If you have read this article till the end, you must know how to earn money from Kuku FM Kya Hai and Kuku FM App? In this article, we gave you detailed information about Kuku FM, what is Kuku FM and what are its benefits? Also, what are the benefits of its premium service and how Kuku FM gives you the opportunity to earn money.

Also how to upload audiobook to kuku fm and what are the benefits of being a kuku fm artist? We also shared this with you. So, I hope this article was useful for you and if you liked the article, definitely share it. If you have any questions regarding this article, you can definitely ask us via comments.

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