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In Ahmednagar, a husband burnt his wife and two daughters to death – an example of disgusting cruelty.

Ahmednagar, a husband burnt his wife and two daughters to death -According to the revelations made by the police, Sunil Landge (45 years), resident of Pimpalgaon Langa village in Ahmednagar district, murdered his wife Leela Landge (36 years) and two daughters Sakshi (14 years) and Khushi (13 years) at their home on Monday morning. I was burnt to death. This incident is so horrifying and painful that anyone’s hair will stand on end. A husband and father killing his own wife and daughters in such a brutal manner is a stain on humanity.

Details revealed from the investigation of the incident

According to Assistant Police Inspector Pralhad Gite, who investigated the incident, Sunil locked his wife Leela and two daughters in the house at around 9:30 in the morning. After that he used petrol and set the house on fire. As soon as the flames started coming out and the screams of Leela and the girls were heard, the neighbors started running for help. But by then it was too late. Sunil’s house was completely burnt and Leela, Sakshi and Khushi, who were trapped inside, were seriously burnt. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he died.

Reason and background of the crime

Police investigation revealed that Sunil had been suspecting his wife for a long time that she was having an immoral relationship with someone else. He constantly harassed Leela and kept quarreling with her. This matter had become very serious between them and perhaps due to this, Sunil finally committed this terrible crime.

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According to the police, Sunil was a farmer and also drove an auto rickshaw. He took petrol from a nearby petrol pump and said that his auto rickshaw had broken down. But actually he had collected this petrol to set fire to his own house.

criminals easily arrested

The surprising thing is that after committing this horrific crime, Sunil was found sitting under a tree near his house, fearless. When the police reached there, he was easily arrested. The police have leveled serious allegations against him like murder, women harassment, hostage taking and threatening.


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death of the entire family

In this tragic incident, three lives of Sunil’s entire joint family were destroyed. His two other daughters had also gone to a relative’s house at the time of this incident, otherwise perhaps they too would have met the same fate. There is a wave of mourning in the village due to the sudden and brutal end of these three lives of the family.

Concern and reaction in society

This incident shakes the entire society and forces us to think seriously as to why such incidents happen? Are there any flaws in our society due to which some people become so cruel and ruthless? Is it because of lack of education and values that people lose themselves like this?

This crime of Sunil cannot be completely acceptable in any civilized and humane society. Being a husband, Sunil should have protected his wife and daughters and not taken their lives. His act has shocked the entire community.

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We should take a deep lesson from such incidents that there is a need to strengthen family values, morals and values in our society. Children should be taught values like love, respect and honor from a young age. At the same time, they should be inspired to stay away from violence and cruelty. If we inspire our children in the right direction then such incidents can be avoided in future.

Today the entire society is praying for the peace of the souls of Leela, Sakshi and Khushi. Condolences are also being expressed for his remaining family members. This incident is also a warning that if we fail to stop hatred and cruelty in the society, then more terrible incidents can happen. Therefore, we have to pay serious attention to our values and conduct.

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