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How to Sell Domain Names: A simple step by step Guide

How to Sell Domain Names

One of the most important steps when learning how to sell domain names is to advertise them. Whether you want to reach potential buyers or make some money on the sale, you need to advertise your domain name effectively. Here are some tips to get started: First, advertise your domain. Create landing pages that advertise your domain and provide contact information. You can also use the aftermarket to sell your domain. If you have a valuable, desirable, or unique URL, you can sell it to other webmasters for a high price.

how to sell domain names

Next, make sure to list your domain on a WHOIS directory. This will make your listings easier to find for potential buyers and help them decide if it’s right for them. It’s also a good idea to list your domain on several different marketplaces. Be sure to read the policies of the marketplace before you sell your domain to someone else. Some sites, like Sedo, may charge a ten percent commission, but you can sell your domain on other websites as long as the prices are right. If your domain is a good one, it will sell. But if you don’t want to wait years for your domain to sell, then you can use a domain reseller to get more sales.

When selling domains, you should include your contact information in the WHOIS directory. This will make the process easier for buyers because they can contact you instantly. If you’re selling a domain name, you should also optimize your listing for maximum exposure. For the best results, highlight the current potential value of your domain in your listing. If you’re selling a domain, it’s always best to make it as accessible as possible.

Make sure you make your contact details available. This will make your contact information more accessible to potential buyers. You can also change your contact details through the hosting website. If your domain name is worth $500, don’t compromise and settle for less. A domain worth $500 could still be worth millions of dollars! If you’re selling a domain for less than five hundred dollars, you’re likely to get an offer for it. However, you need to be patient to wait for the right buyer.

It is crucial to have contact details when selling domain names. People want to know how to contact you and can’t be left in the dark. They can ask for information about the type of domain they are interested in. They can also make a phone call or send an email. It’s important to be responsive to potential buyers. You can advertise your domain name using the aftermarket and other popular sites. This will attract buyers and increase your chances of making a sale.


1. Determine the worth in the value of the domain’s name.

Before selling a domain you should first determine the value of you can get for your domain.

It’s easier to say than done, and the worth of a domain name could vary to a small amount all the way to figures that are in the six- or seven figure (!) range. It is the only accurate solution is to say that a domain is worth what a buyer will spend, but there are some methods of evaluation of a domain name that will give you an idea of the value potential of the domain name, if it has it is worth anything at all.

1. Begin by researching similar sales.

An excellent resource for finding the most recent sales of domain names and study sales of domain names with similar names to your have can be found at

This fantastic site has the historical database of $1.5 billion dollars worth of domain name sales. It is updated every day to reveal the amount domain names are currently sold across various markets. Utilize it to find out the way your domain name performs to sales in the past.

Utilize filters to filter length as well as keywords, and, of course, extensions (such such as .com, .net or .io) to reduce the number of domain names that are like yours.

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2. Use Domain Appraisal Tools

Another method of getting an indication of the worth to your site is to utilize the automatic domain appraisal software like Estibot or GoDaddy’s GoValue appraisal tool.

Both sites depend on complicated algorithms to determine the worth of a domain’s name that are based on a myriad of factors like domain length and extension word count and pronunciation, as well as SEO-related elements like keywords, the volume of searches, monthly searches and the cost per click. Remember that these assessments are automated and won’t be able to take into account all aspects of a domain’s worth since it isn’t a scientific certainty.

3. Get An Expert Opinion

The third option is to solicit an expert’s opinion.

If the two previous methods all provide you with a great price for the domain,, you may want to ask an expert appraisal from an experienced domain name broker in order to make sure that you are pricing the domain name correctly.

It is also possible to share your domain’s name with the domain name valuation section of NamePros, a site to those who buy or sell domain name with the intention to make profits. Prepare yourself for some honest comments, but keep in mind that not every person who leaves a comment is an expert.

Step 2: Price your domain name

Now having a clear idea of what your domain may sell for , you need to choose the best pricing strategy.

Domain names on the market for sale around $2,000 The majority of of domain names which are bought in the secondary market are sold for less than $5,000.

If you don’t have the luxury domain name that could be sold at a price that is well into five – or six-figure range, it’s recommended that you promote the domain name using an accurate, “priced to sell”, Buy-It-Now price.

Domains that have an Buy Now price are times more likely to be sold than standard “make an offer” domains. Another reason for choosing this approach is that Buy-It Now price can create the impression of urgency for buyers. If they do not purchase now, someone else could be able to purchase the domain, and they could lose out on the chance to hold the domain name for the duration of time.

If you own a desired domain name and love the negotiation process There are a variety of reasons to choose an ” Make an Offer” option instead of setting a fixed fee on your domain. The possibility of receiving offers for your domain name can allow you to conduct due investigation into the prospective buyer and discover what their plans regarding the domain name and what they’re likely to pay for the domain.

Step 3. Create a list of Domain Names with a landing page for sale

If someone is thinking of an appropriate domain name and wishes to check if it’s still accessible, what do they do? They enter it into their browser. If you don’t include an unambiguous “this domain is being offered for auction” notice on the domain’s name and a simple way for a potential buyer get in touch with you, you’re missing the most lucrative opportunity of selling the domain.

A For-Sale landing site will notify any potential buyer immediately know that your domain is available for sale and how to contact you. There are many ways to design a For Sale web page to promote your domain.

If you own an existing website, you can redirect every domain you own and wish to sell onto a landing page that is on that site that has the form for inquiry. You can also make use of a landing page for sales on one of the domain marketplace websites like Sedo and Afternic.

The drawback of these pages is that they frequently include advertisements that may cause confusion for users. If it comes time to are selling your domain via an online marketplace you are required to pay them a commission on the sale, which can range between 10 and 30 percent of the sales price, even if your purchaser came directly from the domain’s website.

The last but not least is that you can utilize a domain name sales service like Efty. Efty handles all changes, and keeps your For-Sale landing pages online functioning, and the pages are designed to you sell domain name.

Step 4: Register your domain name to sell on domain marketplaces

If you’ve reached this point through this article, you’ve learned the importance of getting people to your domain name by creating a landing page in the first place. However, this doesn’t mean that putting your domain for sale on domain marketplaces will not add value.

A large portion of the marketplaces have regular buyers as well as the so-called distribution network, in which they work with other sites like registrars to get your domain’s name before potential buyers around the world.

Untitled design 2022 01 28T123416.823 How to Sell Domain Names: A simple step by step Guide


Sedo is operational since 2001. With more than 18 million domains available, Sedo is one of the biggest domain marketplaces. Sedo’s site has an average of 2 million users every month. They are also able to promote your domain name on many partner websites. Listing your domain’s name for sale on Sedo is absolutely free. However, you’ll pay a fee of 10 % and 20 percent when your domain is sold.

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It was created in 1999, and has more than 5 million domain names that are available for purchase and managing the search of more than 75 million domains every monthly – Afternic is an organization to reckon with. The market is owned by GoDaddy and that’s where it gains its main advantage over its competitors. If you post your domain for sale on Afternic it will appear in the search results as an official domain whenever users browse for it through GoDaddy. website. Listing a domain on Afternic is absolutely free. However, you will be charged a 20% commission to make a sale that is successful.


Do you have a domain name that’s not at all descriptive, but could be a fantastic trademark for your brand new company or product?

If you’re interested, BrandBucket might be the perfect platform to help you get an investor. It is a curated marketplace meaning that every domain needs to be subjected to an approval and submission procedure. Once your domain is approved, it is added to the marketplace with a custom description and logo that help prospective buyers visualize. The marketplace charges a 10$ fee to display your domain name and also requires exclusivity , which means that you are able to do not offer your domain in other places while it’s on the market. The 30% commission is higher than other marketplaces.

Step 5 5. Sell your domain through auction

If you’re looking for a way to market your domain quick, there are handful of auction websites eager to get it done. These auction sites function similarly to auction websites like eBay. Create an auction, then determine a reserve price, minimum opening bid, and, in some instances, you can also set a Buy It Now price.

The majority of people who buy on domain auctions websites include Domain name buyers (individuals who buy domain names for the sole intention of reselling them to make profits) therefore you must be ready to offer your domain name at “wholesale” or”reseller” price levels , which typically range from 5 and 15 percent on top of “retail” cost of a domain.

For instance I recently offered the domain name I bought for $10 in 2016 for $69 an auction website which then put the domain for auction on which sold it at around $2,000 shortly thereafter.

GoDaddy Auctions

Godaddy Auctions are GoDaddy’s secondary market site for domains. It is extremely well-liked by both businesses and individuals looking for exclusivedomain names that are soon to expire for their portfolio of domain names. It is visited daily by over 900,000 customers each month. With GoDaddy’s position as the top domain registrar , you can be sure of ample exposure to your listing on auction if the domain you are selling is valuable.

There are a variety of options to advertise your domain names such as Buy-It Now with a fixed cost such as Make Offer or an Auction that lasts for 7 days. This is the typical auction on the internet. The seller decides on an amount for the minimum bid, the bidders compete for the prize and, when the time expires, the highest bidder is the winner. There is a tiny ($5) annually due cost for joining the website and when you sell domain names the commission is between 10-20 to 20 percent.


Flippa is predominantly a marketplace for buying and selling online companies, however it also has a category dedicated to auctions of domain names. The website isn’t so popular as it was, but with two million monthly users, it is a well-known destination. numerous domain names are sold each day on the website. Listing your domain for auction costs $9. Listings that sell successfully be rewarded with 15% success fees.

One of the things that make Flippa distinct from other marketplaces is the fact that they allow users to write a comprehensive description of your auction. If you’re looking to learn the best methods to write, list and promote your auction listings on Flippa I suggest watching this audio interview featuring super-seller Ali Zandi. Watchers beware, the video is only a few years old, and a lot has changed but some of Ali’s tips about marketing and promoting your auctions is timeless and is more relevant than ever before.


NameJet is a third domain name aftermarket business, offering an auction platform that is well-liked by domain name investors. NameJet has a huge number of buyers and is able to move many second-hand domain names every day. There aren’t many people who can offer domain names on NameJet however, the site gives you an online platform to submit your domains to be considered for auctions in the near future.

To provide the best quality domain names to their customers They do not auction every name submitted. names are redirected to and scrutinized to NamesJet’s NamesJet team. To submit your domain’s name you must have an account that is active. Commission for the sale that is successful is 15 percent.

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Step 6: Locate an outbound buyer

Are you able to provide a catchy domain name in a specific niche that has a lot of potential users? Perhaps something similar to as well as

If yes, then you may think about investing a little effort to increase the chances that you will sell your domain by actively contacting related businesses that would profit from having the domain.

Outbound sales typically occur by phone or email to a specific list of leads that has been identified through study. The best way to begin your research is by conducting an Google search of companies that are in the same category as the keywords of your domain’s name.

When you’ve collected a short list which you’ve compiled, you can utilize tools like LinkedIn, or Clearbit Connect to discover the email addresses and names of the person who is in charge of technology or marketing like CMO or the chief of marketing. If your business isn’t large, I would suggest emailing the business’s owner directly. Be sure to send out email in batches, making sure that each email personal and brief.

Like in the following example.

Subject Selling
Dear John,
Your Name
Your contact details.

Keep things short clear and concise and closing your email with a query, you’re more likely to receive responses. These could vary in response from “no thanks” to sometimes somewhat more polite responses, but when your domain is valued, you’ll find that you’re likely to receive a few emails from people asking “How do I pay?”.

Do you need more tips on outbound strategies from a seasoned Domain name investment expert? Take a look at this blog article written by Ali Zandi that contains a wealth of information to get you started. While you’re there take the time to take a look at the second part in this post in which Ali gives everything you need to know about negotiation and closing the deal.

Step 7: Employ an agent for domain names

Do any of these seem difficult or exhausting? It’s not like I said that this was simple did I?

If you have an domain name that has a substantial value, you may consider, and possibly should, think about getting a professional domain name broker involved to assist you find a buyer and to facilitate the sale on behalf of you. The majority of domain brokers operate on a commission-based basis, meaning that they are paid an amount of the sale cost.

The no-cure, non-pay model implies that most established brokers are only willing to work with you to find an investor of your domain only if the value is at a minimum within the five-figure mark. It is essential to be familiar with the policies of the broker and prices prior to engaging their services. A clear written contract that clearly outlines every single detail, such as exclusivity and commission is highly advised.

Below is the list of domain names brokers and brokerage firms that have good reviews and a track history:

Do your own research prior to making contact with a domain broker. Always use an escrow company that is licensed to facilitate the transfer for the domain as well as transfers of money.

Step 8: Utilize an escrow company to facilitate the secure transfer of funds and domain

If you are buying or selling domains online using a licensed, insured Escrow company can reduce the risk for both buyer and seller.

The use of an escrow company to manage your domain name sale will ensure that you receive a payment and the buyer receives their domain. Each of the auction and domain name marketplace websites mentioned in this guide provide their own, no-cost service of escrow that is part of their platforms. when you are selling a domain via one of these websites the only thing you need to do is ensure that you have the ability to transfer the domain the time it is sold.

However, if you are selling your domain name in direct negotiations with a buyer, or are using the services of a brokerage company, it is recommended to do business with an authorized escrow firm.

The way that a domain name escrow operates involves that the parties are in agreement with the conditions of the transaction that includes details of the domain name(s) and the price. The buyer then has to deposit the agreed amount to the account of the escrow. Once the escrow company has confirmed and secured the payment you will be asked to give the domain into the buyers account. If the buyer is able to confirm that they own the domain, the money will be transferred to you. Protection Status