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Viral Tweet: The future brother-in-law tweeted- Jiju said if the car is not found, I will break the marriage, the public said – change it Jiju


To be brother-in-law tweetedA boy has expressed his displeasure on Twitter for not getting the car on time for the sister’s wedding. The boy says that his brother-in-law (Jiju) is very angry and has threatened to break the marriage. Now Twitter users are giving their feedback fiercely on this.

It is difficult to say anything about when what started trending on social media. The word Jeju is now trending on Twitter. More than a thousand people have tweeted on this topic. At first I didn’t understand where it suddenly came from.

To be brother-in-law tweeted

Then on search it was found that a future brother-in-law had done (viral tweet) on Twitter, but something has been written which has become a matter of discussion. Actually, the partner has written that he had bought a car for his sister’s wedding. dowry) was booked. The dealer had promised that it would be delivered by April 12. But not found even after two months.

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According to him, his future brother-in-law (marriage) threatened to vandalize if the car was not found. This tweet has now gone viral, on which people are advising the boy in their own way. People say that before anything happens to the sister, change Jiju only.


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