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FIFA full form, FIFA stands for, meaning, what is FIFA, description, example, explanation, the acronym for, abbreviation, definitions

FIFA full form, FIFA stands for, meaning, what is FIFA, description

FIFA English: International Federation of Association Football or International Federation of Soccer.

The meaning or full form of FIFA is “Federation Internationale de Football Association”.
FIFA Full Form.

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FIFA stands for Federation Internationale de Football Association” in French.
FIFA Full Form is Federation Internationale de Football Association” in French.
In English, it is known as International Federation of Association

What is FIFA, FIFA stands for, meaning

FIFA full form is Federation Internationale de Football Association. It is an international body that governs the sport of football. It was founded in 1904 and has since then grown to become the largest sporting organisation in the world. FIFA’s headquarters are located in Zurich, Switzerland.

FIFA stands for Federation Internationale de Football Association. This is the French name for the international governing body of soccer. The organization is responsible for organizing and regulating soccer games and tournaments worldwide.

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