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A playful and fun-loving Arya discovers she is suffering from a terminal illness, so her friend Pankhi seeks her a new companion. Their lives take on a new twist when the active Saima is introduced to their doorstep, possessing numerous failed attempts, and the involvement of family members. .View the trailer

Cast Pankhirya Udi Udi Web Series

  • Aditya Deshmukh
  • Apama Sharma
  • Kavita Banerji
  • Paristosh Pradan
  • Raj Narani
  • Rohit Agarwal
  • Snor Sania by snor
  • Gina Batya

Pankhirya Udi Udi Web Series Details

TitlePankyria Woody
GibbsAditya Deshmukh, Apama Sharma, Kavita Banarjee, Paritosh Pradhan, Raj Narayni, Rohit Agarwal, Snower Sania, Zeena Bhatiya
Genre18or older, LGBT, Romance
Typeweb series
DirectorDeepak Pandi
Online video platform for online videoEORTV
LanguageHindi, Marathi

The story follows the adventures of the two women, and how they battle whatever life can throw at them. When Arya is the fun and bubbly, performed by Snower Sania, discovers she has a terminal disease, her friend Pankhi who is who is played by Kavita Banerjee, demands to find a suitable partner for her.

Pankriya WoodyIt is based on the story that two ladies. When Arya who is played by Snower suffers from an illness that kills her and her friend Pankhi who is who is played by Kavita Banerjee, is determined for a replacement love.

“We are an organization that believes in inclusion and equality,” said Deepak Pandey the director of the series. Pankyria Woody It’s an inspiring story that is infused with the spirit of our lives. The story highlights the five essential aspects of our lives such as love, hope sacrifice, sacrifice, the power of feelings, as well as the purpose of living.

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My goal is to inspire viewers to watch the series and show the positive aspects of life instead of dwelling on the negative. We would like our viewers to join the series and achieve satisfaction, support each other and attain gender equality. Pankhirya stands out by empowering viewers to see some silver linings even in the most dark in the cloud.”


The film’s star Kavita Banerjee, the film’s director said “It is a heartwarming piece of a gorgeous love story. It really challenged my imagination , and challenged me as an actor. I was able to discern an authentic story that would resonate with anyone who has ever fallen in love, or ever experienced love. The emphasis is on the “love story” and not the ‘love story of lesbians’. The everyday things. If we start talking about the same-sex relationship, it comes down to an exaggerated story of character ostracization or portrayal. Thankfully the author, Mr. Deepak’s vision of the tale is a greatly appreciated new perspective! “

The actor who played the lead role, Snore Sania, said about the show “I felt deeply connected to the impact and message in the text. The script is filled with a variety of emotions. Anxiety is expressed in the most positive way. Narrative is always evolving. The awakening process is akin to boiling down our thinking processes until all of it boils down to the ultimate transformation. All this was made possible by the fascinating concept that was conceived by the late Mr. Deepak, who refined the numerous hidden gems of the season by incorporating a well-thought-out twist and a clear goal to keep “love and innocence” as the essence of it instead of an everyday routine. Lesbian Romance Facade. Viewers will be treated to an emotional rollercoaster. There will be ups and downs. But it is also the degree of satisfaction at the narrative’s pace.”

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