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Top 7+ Text to Video Generative AI Models like Sora(OpenAi)

Text to Video Generative AI Models like Sora(OpenAi)- Hello friends, in this article we are going to tell you about some tools similar to Sora (OpenAi). Friends, if you also want to generate Text to Video. So definitely try these tools once. so let’s start

Google’s Image Video Maker Tool -lumiere

Google has developed a special tool called ‘lumiere’. This tool creates videos from written words. In this, several small models work together to produce clear and bright video. This tool initially creates a small video and then makes it bigger and clearer. ‘Image Video’ can create whimsical animations and videos in a variety of styles. It also has the ability to understand 3D objects. But due to some bad things shown and the harm caused by it, it has not been released for everyone yet.

Open AI’s Sora Tool

Sora‘ is another video making tool created by Open AI. It can make videos up to 60 seconds long. Its videos contain funny things, camera movements and many characters. It can convey the details of complex scenes, movements and characters very well. ‘Sora’ can also make the entire video at once or make the video longer.

It understands what the user wants and what the reality of that thing is. ‘Sora’ creates a video that looks blurry in the beginning and then gradually clears up. Even after a lot of testing, Open AI has not yet released Sora to everyone due to concerns about bad exposure, violence, and bias. The government is working to protect it from misuse.

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Gen-2 Tool

Gen-2 is another artificial intelligence based video making tool. It can create beautiful, clear and smooth videos with smooth dynamics. Gen-2 delivers high quality and bright videos. Its cost is cheap, only 5 paise per second. Its monthly subscription plans offer a certain number of credits based on which you can generate videos. Gen-2 is a very useful and affordable tool for creative people.


Phenaki tool

Phenaki is a very special and powerful tool that can create realistic and accurate videos from written words. Creating long videos is a challenge for machines and computers, but Phenaki tool has made this problem easier. This tool breaks the video into smaller units and then recombines them to form a complete and coherent video. The Phenaki tool can create videos of many different lengths, depending on the words you type. This tool completely transforms the ability to create videos.

HeyGen tool

HeyGen is also a powerful video creation tool. Whimsical animations and natural sounds have been added to it. This tool can generate videos using photos, text and written words etc. HeyGen voice generation is very clean and sounds appealing. It is very easy to use and user-friendly. People like the videos of this tool very much. HeyGen encourages the correct and responsible use of AI.

Synesthesia Tool

Synesthesia also helps in creating animated and cartoon videos. This tool is very useful especially for advertisements, training materials and presentations. It can create entertaining and engaging videos by using animated avatars and characters.


Pictory is also a versatile video making tool. This allows people to easily create videos from photos, text, and written words. This tool can also add captions, subtitles and subtitles to videos. Pictory can resize videos to suit different OTT platforms like YouTube, TikTok, Instagram. This tool has a database of millions of images and video clips that you can include in your videos. Pictory has a simple interface and also offers a 14-day free trial period.

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Cogvideo tool

CogVideo is also a remarkable video making tool. It can create very nice and high quality videos just from written words. CogVideo has attracted the attention of many people with its capability. Currently it is the only publicly available tool that can create video directly from text. Protection Status