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UP Police’s New Weapon – Crime GPT Trinetra 2.0

Hello friends, today we will talk about a new method adopted by Uttar Pradesh Police to keep an eye on criminals. Recently, UP Police in collaboration with an AI company Stacku Technologies has launched an app named Crime GPT Trinetra 2.0. This app will help in creating a detailed database of criminals not only in UP but in the entire country.

What is Crime GPT Trinetra 2.0?

Friends, as the name suggests, Trinetra 2.0 is an AI powered application that helps in collecting data about criminals from various sources. This app helps in identifying criminals and getting important information about them by analyzing CCTV footage, audio recordings, written text and other inputs.

Obtaining criminal background information

One very cool feature that is available in the Trinetra 2.0 app is the ability to extract background information of the criminal. Till now the police had to sift through many files to get information about the criminal. But with the help of this app, they can easily know the complete background of the criminal.

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Help in creating huge database

Another big advantage of Crime GPT Trinetra 2.0 app is the help in creating huge criminal database. Till now, UP Police and Stacku Technologies have together prepared a detailed database of more than 9 lakh criminals. With the help of this app, it has become very easy for the police to track criminals and get information about them.

Police of Punjab and other states will also get help

Not only UP Police, but also the police of Punjab and other states will get the benefit of Crime GPT Trinetra 2.0 App. With the help of this app, they will also be able to prepare a detailed database about the criminals in their area. Besides, data sharing will also be possible between different police forces.


The clampdown will tighten further on criminals

Friends, in this era of modern technologies, committing crimes has become somewhat easy. But with this it has become equally easy to catch criminals. With the help of tools like Crime GPT Trinetra 2.0, UP Police will now tighten its grip on criminals. This app will collect every necessary data about all the criminals, which will make it very easy to catch them.

Sharing data with other agencies

Another important point that needs to be addressed is data sharing between different agencies. Crime GPT TriNet 2.0 will allow police to easily share the data of criminals collected by them with NIA, CBI and other serial justice agencies. This cooperation will play an important role in crime prevention and enforcement of justice.

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Will further strengthen the security system

Overall, Crime GPT Trinet 2.0 is a remarkable step that will contribute to further strengthening the security system of Uttar Pradesh and the country as a whole. Through this technology, the police will be able to keep a better eye on all the criminals and take swift action against them. Besides, it will also create a sense of security among the common citizens.

Appeal to citizens

Ultimately I appeal to all of you to respect the law and stay away from crime. If you suspect any crime anywhere, inform the police without any fear. Our UP Police is making every possible effort for your safety while keeping pace with this new era of technology. Therefore, you should also fulfill your responsibility and contribute in building a crime free society. thanks for your cooperation! Protection Status