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Top 50+ amazing facts about Human Mind

Your mind is one of the most powerful, complicated, and fascinating things in the entire universe. It’s a unique thing that you share with every other living person on earth. This blog post will explore some of these amazing facts about your mind to help you understand it better.

The human mind is a complex and fascinating thing. It can make us laugh, feel love, learn new things and it’s the only thing that makes us uniquely human. But did you know about all these other amazing facts about our minds? There are some pretty cool things happening in there! Some of them might even surprise you!

Top 1-5 amazing facts about Human Mind

#1: The human brain has about 100,000,000,000 (one hundred billion) neurons and roughly the same number of glial cells . That is more than all the stars in our galaxy:

#2: Our brains consist of more than 60% water; which means if we did not drink any water at all for 8 days we would die.

#3: It is impossible to tickle yourself because your brain predicts your movements and nerve impulses using sensory motor feedback loops (somatosensory homunculus).


#4: The human brain is the fattest organ in the body; it accounts for 2% of our body weight but uses 20% of our energy.

#5: The right side of your brain is responsible for creativity and the left side is responsible for logic and analytical thinking; however, both hemispheres work together to produce a unified thought process.

#6: It is believed that our brains are made of two separate “brains”, one on the left side and one on the right. However, it has been proven that this is not true. The right side of our brain controls movement on the left side of our body and vise versa for the left hemisphere controlling the right side of the body.

#7: A newborn baby’s brain produces around 250GB worth of information every day! That is equal to 5100 CDs or 10 computers!  (see discovery)

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#8: Using imaging techniques, it has been shown that performing math problems stimulate the same area of our brain as when we dream!

#9: It is impossible to tickle yourself because your brain predicts your movements and nerve impulses using sensory motor feedback loops (somatosensory homunculus).

#10: It takes about 8 weeks for the neurons in your brain to grow and connect in such a way that they can carry nerve impulses (action potentials) at maximum speed!

#11: The brain cells responsible for keeping our breathing rhythmic die off every few years and need to be re-grown! This is why we hold our breath when we get very scared or stressed, because we literally cannot catch our breath without overcoming the impulse to hold it.

#12: It is impossible to tickle yourself because your brain predicts your movements and nerve impulses using sensory motor feedback loops (somatosensory homunculus).

#13: There are over 1,000 known neuro-psychiatric disorders that affect people worldwide; dontbeafraidofmymind has a really good list.

#14: The human brain is capable of producing about 60,000 thoughts per day!

#15: The average person has about 10 “thought loops” going on in their head at any given time!

Top 15-30 amazing facts about Human Mind

Top 15-30 amazing facts about Human Mind

The human mind is one of the most complex things in the world. It’s amazing to think about all of the things our minds are capable of, from complex mathematics to creating works of art. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most interesting and amazing facts about the human mind. Enjoy!

#16: Scientists have been able to “upload” memories onto computers by decoding the electrical signals produced by the brain when it forms a memory!

#17: The human brain is capable of distinguishing between 10,000,000 different smells!

#18: Our brains are constantly reorganizing and remodeling themselves in response to new experiences, which is why we are able to learn and remember new things!

#19: The human brain is the only organ in the body that never stops growing!

#20: The human brain can generate about 20 watts of electricity – enough to power a light bulb!

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#21 Our brains are so efficient that they can process an amazing amount of information every day! That is equal to 5100 CDs or 10 computers!  (see discovery)

#22: The human brain has the same consistency as Jell-O!

#23: The adult human brain contains about 100 billion neurons – that’s more than the number of stars in our galaxy!

#24: We are wasting about 7 million tons of food per year in America alone because people are picky eaters!

#25: The human brain is capable of making over 35,000 decisions before you even get out of bed in the morning!

#26: The adult brain produces about 50 to 100 billion new neurons (nerve cells) every day!

#27: Your brain has more memory storage capacity than the entire World Wide Web!

#28: The human brain accounts for only 2% of total body weight, yet it receives 15% of all blood pumped by heart!

#29: The human brain is the only organ in the body that never stops growing!

#30: The human brain has a lifespan of about 100 years!

Top 30-50 amazing facts about Human Mind

Top 30-50 amazing facts about Human Mind

The human mind is one of the most fascinating things on Earth. It’s capable of so much that we still don’t understand and has mysteries that may never be solved. Here are 50+ amazing facts about the human mind. Enjoy!

  1. The human brain is the largest organ in the body.
  2. The brain uses around 20% of the body’s energy even when you’re resting.
  3. Humans are able to learn new things throughout their lives.
  4. Your brain can remember up to 5,000 different pieces of information at a time.
  5. The left side of your brain controls the right side of your body and vice versa . 6 . Women generally have more connections between their

#31: Scientists been able to “upload” memories onto computers by decoding the electrical signals produced by the brain when it forms a memory!

#32: The human brain can distinguish between 10,000,000 different smells!

#33: Our brains are constantly reorganizing and remodeling themselves in response to new experiences, which is why we are able to learn and remember new things!

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#34: Your brain uses 20% of the total oxygen and nutrients that enters your body!

#35: Men think about sex an average of 19 times a day, while women think about it just 10 times a day!

#36: The adult human brain has about 100,000 miles of blood vessels!

#37: The human brain is capable of making around 10,000 decisions a day!

#38: The left side of the human brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa!

#39: The brain is better at multitasking than any computer is!

#40: Your brain has several different memory systems, each with its own strengths and weaknesses!

#41: Most human memories last a lifetime – the first time you do something, it may feel like yesterday, but you remember it for life!

#42: The human brain can store up to 5 petabytes of data (that’s 500,000,000,000,000 bytes)!

#43: The human brain is the only organ in the body that doesn’t get tired!

#44: The human brain is the most complex structure in the known universe!

#45: We use only 10% of our brains – if we used more, we could achieve amazing things!

#46: The brain can operate on as little as 1/10 of a calorie per hour!

#47: Even though the brain only accounts for about 2% of our body weight, it uses 20% of all oxygen and nutrients that enter our bodies!

#48: Every thought you have creates a spike in your brain’s electrical activity – allowing scientists to monitor them with an EEG machine! (related: brain activity) .html#page=2

#49: The brain is made up of nearly 100 billion neurons!

#50: Every time you have a new thought or recall a memory, it has to pass through your hippocampus – which makes memories more vivid, but also increases the risk of memory loss with age!

So there you have it – 50 amazing facts about the human brain! How many of these did you know? And how will knowing them to change the way you think about your own mind? Let us know in the comments below! Protection Status