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How much is in 1 Million? 1 million to lakh

It’s been several years since the Internet was introduced to India and, as of 2016 the majority of people are using it. and after that, you’ll notice a phrase a lot on Facebook Instagram and YouTube term is known as Million. After all, this word is what it means in the current post? How much is 1 million? Also, you’ll have all the details on how many zeros there are in 1 million.

If you’re one of those who think after seeing 530 million views recorded in thumbnails of YouTube videos What is the significance of this number If you are also using social media, then people must have witnessed 5K Likes, 2k comments written in this manner using words such as K or M.

From these, we know the meaning of M that’s Million. But as per Indian calculation, it is crucial to understand what the meaning of a million is and why, therefore we’ll provide all the information you need about this in this article. We will provide.

What is the value of 1 million?

How much is in 1 Million?  1 million to lakh

Many people’s question is how much per million? Then you’ll get the answer in the following article in full. Million is referred to as 10 lakhs in Hindi So if the question of the people who asked what is the value of one million and it is clear that 1 million equals to 10 lakh. You can figure it out in figures like 1,000,000 and Six zeros are within 1 Million. In order to write Million in a way that is simple In many places, you can see it written as M . Its meaning is the same as 10 Lakh and if you find 5M anywhere, you must know that it is 50 Lakh. is written.

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Indian Counting Number System Chart

Indian Counting Number System runs to count or count India as well as recognize in a simple way as ten, hundred, thousand, etc. We have prepared an illustration that you are able to comprehend quite easily. We know who is known as 1 lakh and the number of zeros present in 10 lakhs and 10 crore.


If you don’t be able to recognize these items in any way or want to educate your children on these things, you could demonstrate this chart to them through this chart. They is easy to learn Hindi counting quite well.

identity in Hindiidentity in EnglishDigi recognitionzero
Ten thousandTen Thousand100004
lakhHundred Thousand1000005
One millionOne Million10000006
Ten millionTen Million100000007
One hundred millionOne Hundred Million1000000008
ArabOne Billion10000000009
ten billionTen Billion1000000000010
trillionHundred Billion10000000000011
10 BillionOne Trillion100000000000012
blueTen Trillion1000000000000013
ten nilHundred Trillion10000000000000014
PadamOne Quadrillion100000000000000015
ten padamTen Quadrillion1000000000000000016
ShellHundred Quadrillion10000000000000000017
ten conch shellQuintillion100000000000000000018

1M mean

In this day and age, people are constantly changing their language, such as 10000 (ten thousands) or 1000 (one thousand) Some people like to use 10K or 1K, in case you’re also one of them, you may at you, too, you’d like to alter your behavior. You could also make use of these words , however the problem is that you don’t even realize that 1K means What it is or 1M means what? In relation to what’s happening We have attempted to clarify it through an illustration below.

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If you don’t know anything about these terms and phrases, you can look up themand find all the details, and in this chart, we have given you the definition of 1K in the Indian Rupee.

K, M, Billion, TrillionIndian
1K1,000 rupees
10K10,000 rupees
100K1 lakh rupees
1 Million10 lakh rupees
10 MillionRs 100 lakh/Rs 1 crore
100 Million10 crore rupees
1 Billion100 crore rupees or 1 billion/1000 million rupees
10 Billion1000 crore rupees
100 Billion10,000 crore rupees
1 Trillion1000 billion rupees/10 trillion rupees
10 Trillion1 million billion rupees


There are many times when you have noticed that in Facebook posts videos, YouTube views or likes. You receive 1M, 2M and so on, up to 999M. Then the count changes , and after the million, it is counted in billion. However, many people ask the question about how many lakhs there are in 1 million? The answer is 1 million has 10 Lakhs and 10M is the number in India we refer to it as one crore because it is 100 Lakhs.

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